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WanderLust: Find Your Adventure

4.2 ( 1232 ratings )
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Разработчик Next Generation Gadgets LLC
0.99 USD

Must have app: 5 out of 5 stars
Great idea. Simple, easy to use, and affordable. My family and I use it often. I can check in from the back roads/trails and dont have to waste time fiddling with my phone. I could see how this would be handy for many different applications. Well done-
by SnowcrackerUT - Jun 25, 2015

Great App For Outdoor Enthusiasts!: 5 out of 5 stars
I used this app on a 1200+ mile dual sport motorcycling adventure through the backcountry of eastern Utah and western Colorado. This app never failed to keep my family and friends apprised of my whereabouts, even when I had nearly zero voice or data coverage. Also, its an awesome substitute for beacon GPS systems that often cost hundreds of dollars and require monthly subscription fees. Try it! You wont be disappointed. Thanks Wanderlust!
by sethwblack - Version - Jul 12, 2015

Very accurate, even in bad signal areas!: 5 out of 5 stars
Recently, I hiked Mount Timpanogos to the summit and tested out Wanderlust by sending my position back to my buddy who was down in the valley. On my way back down from the summit, I sent him my position again when I sat down to take a break. He was able to take the coordinates I sent him with wanderlust, plot my point on a topographical map, get an azimuth and distance to my location, and spot me on the side of the mountain with a high powered spotting scope from 14 miles away (line of site). This app is accurate!
by Walters0331 - Version - Jul 9, 2015

Great App for teenagers: 5 out of 5 stars
This app is a great resource. I havent tried it hiking yet but we have a teenage daughter and this app is so useful to know where to pick her up, as well as, to confirm that she is really where she says she is. Good job!
by MS.JOES - Version - Jul 11, 2015

WanderLust automates the majority of the check in (location sharing) process and provides your exact location to the recipient in an easily consumable manner. It has the potential to be helpful in an emergency situation. When you use WanderLust for location sharing everything is under your control and you choose exactly when and who you share your location with unlike a typical GPS tracking application. This allows you to maximize your privacy.

WanderLust message builder remembers the custom messages and recipient lists you have created between application sessions and between phone reboots. WanderLust allows you to share your exact location (+/- 5 meters) without a data signal (4G/Edge/WiFi) and the recipient is sent a link that easily pin points your location within Apple Maps or Google Maps .The recipient of the WanderLust message does not have to have WanderLust installed for them to receive and consume your message. Our method of obtaining and sharing your location has been custom designed to work with limited cellular resources and is unique.

For only $0.99 you receive the full version of the software (not a demo) and access to all features. Please note that no account setup is necessary and WanderLust is advertisement free plus there is no annual/monthly fee. Additionally, we do not gather any user info (contact list) or anything of that nature to sell to a third party.

Check in from anywhere in the world no matter where your WanderLust takes you!

Privacy Policy:
WanderLust does not store, share or process any of your personal data with any third parties. Your personal data is yours and as part of our Mission, Vision and Values we aim to keep it that way.

Note: If you try WanderLust with iPad or iPod please be sure your unit has GPS.

Safety Disclaimer:
Use at your own risk.